About LNC

The Luo National Congress LNC is the nucleus of a pan-Luo institution.
Luo National Congress

What is LNC?

Unna Pwøøa Jatelo, Opwonya Nokrach
Translation to English

The Luo National Congress LNC is the nucleus of a pan-Luo institution with its foundation firmly anchored on the central theme of the Luo condition which is the Luo migration.

The Luo migration both separates Joluo and it is at the same time what brings us together like the expansion and contraction of an elastic band.

Today we Joluo find ourselves at a cross roads in history. Our social, political, economic and cultural position from Gambella to Mahagi, Malakal to Mara is precarious. For that reason, we all feel an urgent need to tighten at this point in time the elastic band that binds us together into Wan Aciel.

A first attempt at tightening of the Luo band was carried out by our forefathers under the auspices of their institution the Luo Union. Forces outside the Luo body threatened by the coming together of our people orchestrated a break of the band and disintegrated the Luo Union.

Today with the advent of modern ICT the stars are once again lined up. The opportunity is here for our generation to pick up the mantle from where our forefathers left off and continue the journey of Luo Integration. Today the Luo migration has reached its apogee in Washington DC all the way into the White House. The Luo diaspora in Kampala, in Juba, in Nairobi in Addis Ababa, In Kinshasa, in Dar Es Salaam, Toronto, Canberra, New York, London must have its human and material resources channelled back into Pinyluo.

It is time for the consolidation of the gains of the Luo Migration won by our ancestors.

The gains of the Luo migration have created a diverse set of Luo stakeholders; all from Jo K’Obama who have never set foot in Pinyluo and don’t speak lebLuo/dhoLuo to Joluo m’olal i tim, Joluo who left pacho a long time ago and have never set foot in Pinyluo again, to the separated Luo groups in Pinyluo proper who don’t have regular natural contact because of artificial boundaries.

Translation to Dho-Anywa

Luo National Congress, LNC ena cöönh dïër ri dwättö mar jiy bëët mo wo cwøl ni Luo ni tiere bäre ocwöth raa acaara mar yi bëët Luo ni ena ri wääth nyaay mana tägö yiacäängë (kiper many kwör bëëte).

Wääth nyaay mar Luo beeye ni keeth Jø-Luo ni mayya thwøø beeye ni dwal øøni na aciel ni rööma man ö leethïk wo meec dëërë ni cak dëëre joonnø.

Dicangi ø ni Jø-Luo øøna tïmö ni ø ena yïth agäk jïëdhï ki yi leerø mar nïr bëëttö. Bëëttö marø ni øøna aciel ki ri paac, athibel, kwärö ki kööngngö ki mana täge ya Akööbö, ki Gambëëla këël mana pïïe Mahagi, Malakaal, këël Mara ni en Tanzania ba känni ki jööt dëël jïïø. Kiper manøgønø atïmö ni ena gïn mo pere leth mo manynya man twöö lëëthïk man kuur øøni na aciel yi Wïjur aciel.

Mana kwøng kwäc øøni päärö man twöc ge leethïk dikwøng yicäängë bee kanya cwääcge Luo Union. Kar kaace, juurrë moa ni tøør ri Luo ninäk kuuttö mar Luö egi neenø ni ba beer kiper geni, gena ö maal ni tïïcgi tïïë mo cööta thøøl dwätö mana twöcge ni raanyge dëël mana cwääc ni cwøl ni Dwättö mar Luo.

Dicangi, ki ri cwääc kømpïuter ki luup mo joot ki ri køny røk ki ge,ennø jøa ni jïge da acaara kiper yi nyïm rege acängge bwøththø nee tïïge. Ennø jïïø da gumdëël man kwanyø gïna pere leth ki ri kanya nguut kwäc øøni yie ni cääththø nyïm ki wääth mar dwal Luo. Dïcängi, wääth mar jø Luo apïï Washington DC yi White House. Jø-Luo mwøa en wøk bëët mano tägë Kampala, Juba, Nairobi ka Addis Ababa, Kinshasa, Dar Es Salaam, Toronto, Canberra, New York, London, omanyø man dwalge dëëtge bëët ki jammi mwøa en cengge kiper bëënynyö mar ngööm-Luo bärë.

Man nø beeye caa man tïïö køny mar wääth mana caath kwäyyø ki mana jootge ni teek.

Køny mana dwuö ki køør wääth nyaay marø bäät piny acïpö jïïö ki jiy mo teengi-teengi mo løny man dwalge cenggi kiper ööny maal mar Wïjur bäre; mano täge ri jø Obama ni nywøl yi jur, ni pïïe ri JøLuo mwøa wec paac kany mo bäär yiacäängë, këël mano pïïe ri Jø-Luo mo poot en mïëc Pinyluo dicangi en ni gääbö marge ki nyïmëëkge otïïc kee mo juurrë ni teek ki cwiiri bëët.

LNC Dimensions of integration

The success of this Luo Integration is the beginning of Luo prosperity in our ancestral homeland of Pinyluo.
Unna Pwøøa Jatelo, Opwonya Nokrach


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