To provide the best professional care in Pinyluo. To work and support each other, especially in areas of referral, job opportunities and the medical supply chain that benefits Luo practitioners first.

Objectives of LUMA include:
a) To promote the interests of each medical professional in Pinyluo.
b) To define Luo Medical Standards for each medical professional in Pinyluo.
c) To promote the highest standard of training of medical professionals in Pinyluo.
d) To provide policy recommendations on Joluo initiatives and legislation.
e) To provide expertise to institutions in Pinyluo.
f) To get Involved in funded projects in Pinyluo.
g) To develop quality evaluation of Live Educational Events and e-learning materials
h) To ensure quality assessment of Luo medical professionals’ competence
i) To enhance quality management in medical care in Pinyluo.


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