To provide a platform to integrate the public administrators and bring socio-politico economic
integration of Public Administration in Pinyluo.

Luo Public Administration Association aims to:
a) To promote good practice and conduct in public administration and management in order to achieve a high standard of service within Pinyluo and their publics.
b) To develop an appreciation of the value and importance of effective and efficient public administration.
c) To develop and promote the study of public administration within Pinyluo
d) To foster cooperation, communication and understanding amongst organisations and individuals having an interest in Joluo public administration.
e) To develop leadership qualities and management expertise, especially at the executive and middle management levels.
f) To spread information at all levels of society on the need for the public to demand for accountability from public officials in order to get quality service.
g) To promote, support or contest any proposed legislative or other measures affecting the interest of our members.
h) To use any legitimate means ordained by LNC to induct those eligible to become members.
i) To affiliate with and participate in the affairs of any international professional organisation or international labours organisations.
j) To encourage the settlement of disputes between members and employees or employer’s organisations by reconciliation, mediation or arbitration.


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